Monday, July 7, 2008

Oh No They Didn't Just Do That

Are You serious!!! If I take my 2, 3, and 5 year old nieces and nephews to Showbiz Pizza for their birthday and the Animal Band starts up with this, I'm out immediately. What is this society coming to? To their credit, they did a great job syncing up the show to the song. But, do we want to ride home with the kids in the backseat of the car singing "Pop, Lock, and Drop It". And with the stuffed animals singing it makes the kids want to pay even more attention to it than they normally would. It's supposed to be a family oriented show, isn't it? I guess they got new rules as to what is acceptable nowadays. Next we gonna have R. Kelly and Kia (sings "My Neck, My Back") playing the starring roles in the Disney movie of the week.

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